You are what you eat

And I'm not talking about food today!

We’ve all heard the old catch-phrase “you are what you eat” and that does indeed reveal itself in your physique and performance, but have you considered your “mental diet”?

I’m talking about your daily consumption that reveals itself as the self-talk that takes place between your ears.

Today’s message is simple: what you consume in visual, audio, and emotional formats will influence your mental health.

We are more “connected” today then ever before.


On-demand music streaming.

On-demand movie watching.

Audio books.




and the list goes on and on…

Everything you consume in a day is impacting and shaping the voice inside your head that influences your feelings of self-worth, self-confidence, love, motivation, discipline, and all of the little pieces that make you who you are.

As you move forward today, don’t forget that your diet is more than just food and that your expression of that mental “diet” shows itself as the voice inside your head.

Make sure it’s a healthy one!

Talk soon,

Dr. Sandra and Team