Tips to getting in more protein

And why you need it

Believe it or not, most Americans under consume protein and overestimate how much they’re actually consuming.

The RDA for protein is approximately 0.8g/kg body weight, which is the minimum requirement of protein needed to maintain basic bodily functions. This is also assuming you don’t engage in regular exercise, let alone are looking to optimize athletic performance.

Why does protein matter?

Protein is the main building block for your body and it’s responsible for creating muscles, tendons, organs, skin, hormones, as well as other needs for proper bodily function. Additionally, protein helps with weight loss by improving your satiety and increases muscle and strength gains.

How much protein should I eat?

This all depends on your goals. Those with weight loss goals will have different protein requirements than those looking to improve athletic performance.

What types of protein should I eat?

The protein you select will be dependent on your diet. For vegetarians and vegans, you’ll likely opt for plant-based proteins that may or may not include dairy and eggs (if you’re vegetarian or vegan and need help with nutrition, reach out!). If you don’t have any dietary restrictions, lean meat, poultry, and seafood yield the greatest amount of protein per serving.

What if I can’t get enough protein in?

If you have trouble eating enough protein, I recommend finding ways to slowly increase how much you’re consuming daily. This can look like adding a protein supplement in between meals, as a snack, or substituting it for breakfast if you have trouble eating protein first thing in the morning.

Ideally, you’d want to include a source of whole food protein in every meal, however I know it can be hard to scarf down a steak for breakfast. In this case, try having eggs and greek yogurt or a protein shake to help you meet your protein goals.

Ultimately, you want to prioritize whole food protein sources rather than protein supplements because at the end of the day, a protein supplement is simply that - a supplement.

Having trouble losing weight or looking for guidance in nutrition to optimize performance? Reach out for a free online consultation to get started.

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Until next time,


PS - You don’t have the same body as the person next to you. So why would you train and fuel the same way as them? Tailor your training and nutrition so it fits YOU instead of doing cookie-cutter programs that don’t work. Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

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