Streamlines: You either love them or hate them.

There are two types of swimmers in this world.

Those who have great streamlines.

And those who don’t.

Streamlines are extremely important especially if you’re a competitive swimmer.

You generate the most power and speed coming off walls, however most swimmers aren’t able to maximize that speed because most swimmers skimp out on their streamlines.

The tighter your streamline, the more hydrodynamic you become.

The looser you streamline… Well, you’ll be lucky if you make it to the flags.

For many of my athletes, they have the desire to improve their streamlines especially once they get a feel of the improvements in distance and speed.

However, the reason as to why they don’t consistently work on their streamlines isn’t necessarily because they’re lazy.

“My shoulder hurts.”

“I can’t get into that position.”

“My back feels stiff".”

“I’m uncomfortable.”

These are some of the reasons I hear when I’m working on streamlines with my athletes. The thing is, if you don’t currently have an injury or any anatomical anomaly, you should be able to perform tight streamlines fairly easy.

Range of motion limitations arise when athletes accrue mobility and strength deficits when they overtrain certain muscles and movement patterns and neglect others.

The solution? Starting a strength and mobility program that helps swimmers address their strength and mobility deficits so injuries don’t arise from those deficits.

Looking for a comprehensive performance program that includes strength and mobility exercises, daily check-ins, team coaching, and daily tips to optimize your nutrition, hydration, sleep, and general recovery strategies?

I offer virtual team coaching for both age group swimmers and recreational and masters swimmers.

As always, leave feedback by replying to this email. I love sharing the wealth of knowledge and I’m glad I get to share it with you!

Until next time,


PS - You don’t have the same body as the person next to you. So why would you train and fuel the same way as them? Tailor your training and nutrition so it fits YOU instead of doing cookie-cutter programs that don’t work. Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

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