Re: STOP swimming

“Just stop swimming”…

The age-old advice from medical professionals everywhere when you’ve got pain, dysfunction, and movement impairments that the individual across from you just doesn’t seem to understand.

This recommendation is flawed on so many levels and if you’ve ever been told that or treated like just another statistic in the world of healthcare, then I think you should find another professional.

You see…the healthcare system is short in two very specific areas:

1) Prevention

2) Time

The majority of medical professionals are not familiar with exercise/training/your sport, are burned out from patient care, and only receive reimbursement for treating the sick and injured with pre-approved modalities from a governing insurance system.

You’re lucky if your medical doctor has more then 5 minutes to spare or if your physiotherapist doesn’t pass you off to an unskilled therapy aide to perform arguably the most important part of your treatment plan: exercise.

This is why The Swimmer’s Doc became a place that I wanted to put out evidence-based information into the online world.

It’s also the influence behind why I founded Hybrid Performance and Physiotherapy where we don’t just address the injury, but we also look at your swim technique, discuss nutritional strategies to promote healing and performance, dive into physical training modalities, and sharpen mental performance in and out of the pool.

Just because the healthcare system has delivered you less than optimal results before doesn’t mean there’s no hope for your future.

We are here to break the status quo and bring a new wave of care that focuses on every aspect of what it means to be a swimmer and a high-performing human being.

My team and I would love to hear about any issues that are plaguing you at the moment? Do you have any aches or pains? How about questions regarding your nutrition or training?

Email me back and let us know what you’re currently dealing with and give us the opportunity to show you how we do things differently over here.

Let’s talk soon. I mean it!

Dr. Sandra and Team