What mobility is...

And what it's not

Happy Friday!

Wow. This is the 1st weekend without football. The period right after the Super Bowl always feels weird to me. I’ve spent the last 6 months worth of weekends (Thursdays, Sundays, & Mondays for NFL and Fridays or Saturdays for college) with football in the background that I almost feel lost without it.

Anyway, mobility has been on my mind lately and I have a lot of athletes asking what exactly it is and assuming that mobility is synonymous with flexibility.

So, I’m going to tell you what exactly mobility is and isn’t:

Mobility ISN’T:

  • just stretching

  • only to improve flexibility

  • focused only on legs or lower body

  • done passively

  • “one and done”

  • a trivial activity

Mobility IS:

  • the ability to move through various ranges of motion with and without load

  • required for injury prevention

  • a priority when it comes to optimal performance

  • hand in hand with strength

  • improved through strength training

  • everything from your neck to your toes (this includes spine, wrists, ankles, etc)

  • only going to improve if you prioritize it (just like swimming and strength training)

  • about improving movement within your joints (includes the spine) and soft tissue (muscle, tendons, ligaments)

👉️ Your mobility (or lack thereof) can therefore be a predictor of how resilient your body is and the likelihood of acquiring injuries in the future.

Not sure how to get started with mobility? Join The Swimmer’s Doc Membership for a FREE 7-day trial for a mixture of strength and mobility workouts to start improving your health and performance today!

Still don’t know why mobility matters? Check out this reel I made as to why mobility matters.

As always, leave feedback by replying to this email. I love sharing the wealth of knowledge and I’m glad I get to share it with you!

Until next time,


PS - You don’t have the same body as the person next to you. So why would you train the same way as them? Tailor your training and nutrition so it fits YOU instead of doing cookie-cutter programs that offer mediocre results. Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

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