Let's talk injuries

Most injuries can be categorized as follows:

Doing too much, too quick


Repetitive stress

Let’s elaborate further…

Doing too much, too quick often looks like a new swimmer (or an athlete who has taken a significant time away from the pool) who shows up to train and doesn’t ramp up their work demands.

This can be diving into massive yardage in the pool or hitting the gym with high intensity every day without adequate management of time and exposure to allow the body to properly adjust and adapt.

Traumatic is typically based around an accident or some external force that has caused an injury to occur. Examples of this are you stepped off a curb and twisted your ankle or slipped and fell while running outside and broke your leg.

Sometimes bad things happen and are out of our control OR we choose to perform risky actions knowing that the negative consequences associated with it can be devastating.

Finally, repetitive stress is one that many swimmers know all too well. This can be back pain from the accumulation of years of swimming or a shoulder that gives you a pinching sensation during your stroke after utilizing poor mechanics over a period of time.

It is repetition without proper management of load, volume, and adaptation that leads to breakdown.

Fortunately, I am not only a swim coach, but also a rehab professional! I treat injuries all the time and am taking on new clients right now.

If you have an injury or want to reduce your risk for one, reply to this email with the word CONSULT and my team will you send you the details on how we can setup a time to make a plan for you.

You don’t need to fear the possibility of injuries nor are they a life sentence. I can help you!

Talk soon,

Dr. Sandra and Team