Are you dealing with Swimmer's Shoulder?

Here's what to do

Happy Friday!

Have you ever had shoulder pain? If you swim long enough (for some, it might just be a couple of months), you’re likely going to run into some sort of shoulder pain. Whenever any swimmer experiences shoulder pain, it’s automatically pegged as “Swimmer’s Shoulder”.

What’s Swimmer’s Shoulder?

It’s basically a catch-all term for any type of pain localized in the shoulder, including shoulder impingement. Even with a diagnosis such as shoulder impingement, there are various forms of impingement involving different structures. Therefore, telling someone they have shoulder impingement is still too general for it to be helpful when it comes to proper rehab and strengthening.

Should I be concerned if I have shoulder pain?

Not necessarily. Many don’t realize that pain doesn’t indicate damage. Just because you have shoulder pain does not mean there is tissue damage occurring. Pain is simply a signal to the brain to alert you to pay attention to that area. If your pain does not resolve and you can’t find ways to alleviate the pain, then it may be time to seek professional treatment.

Why do I have shoulder pain?

Pain is multi-factorial and there may be several reasons as to why you have developed shoulder pain from swimming. Pain signals that there may be muscle imbalances and strength deficits, movement dysfunction, improper technique, mobility deficits, deficient recovery, and much more. Many times, there are several deficiencies that result in shoulder pain.

How should I approach shoulder pain?

It is normal to have the occasional ache. When you begin to have shoulder pain that becomes unresolved and lasts for several weeks, you should seek professional care to address the root of the problem sooner than later. It’s much easier and takes less time to rehab an acute injury than it is to rehab a chronic one.

Check out this reel I made recently about Swimmer’s Shoulder!

Do you currently deal with shoulder pain? Schedule a free online consultation with me today to address it before it gets worse.

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Until next time,


PS - You don’t have the same body as the person next to you. So why would you train and fuel the same way as them? Tailor your training and nutrition so it fits YOU instead of doing cookie-cutter programs that don’t work. Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

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