Are carbs bad?

How to prioritize carbs for proper fueling

Believe it or not, you don’t want to cut carbs out.

Carbs are essential to proper fueling and nutrition.

Why do carbs matter?

Carbohydrates are your primary source of fuel when it comes to performance and daily function. Your body (and brain) runs on glucose, which is found in carbohydrates. Carbs are the primary source of fuel used during training and competition. During childhood and adolescent stages, carbs are essential for brain development and other developmental needs.

Is protein more important than carbs?

This depends on your goals. If your goals are athletic performance, carbs and protein play very different but very important roles in your training, recovery, and performance.

If your goals are weight loss, you will need to prioritize protein over carbs. However, with that said, I recommend an additive versus restrictive mindset when it comes to dieting, along with strength training, for long-term sustainability for weight loss goals.

Are there good versus bad carbs?

Not really. There are simple and complex carbohydrates. Each has its own purpose, especially when it comes to timing of carbohydrate consumption before, during, and after training, as well as race preparation. Both simple and complex carbohydrates are crucial when it comes to proper fueling and nutrition.

What if I don’t have an appetite when I should be eating?

If you have trouble eating before practice in the mornings or before and during meets, I recommend finding ways to sneak in food, even if it’s in liquid form. This can look like substituting whole food for a protein & carb shake as an easy and quick-to-digest meal.

While protein and complex carbohydrates are important, you want to prioritize simple carbohydrates with some protein prior to training so your body is equipped for practice.

💥 Check out this reel on carbs 💥 

Feeling hungry mid-practice and not sure if you’re eating enough? Contact me for a free online consultation to get started with nutrition coaching.

As always, leave feedback by replying to this email. I love sharing the wealth of knowledge and I’m glad I get to share it with you!

Until next time,


PS - You don’t have the same body as the person next to you. So why would you train and fuel the same way as them? Tailor your training and nutrition so it fits YOU instead of doing cookie-cutter programs that don’t work. Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

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