Can you believe we're 13 days into Squatob-, I mean, October?!

Happy Friday… The 13th!

As if this time of the year isn’t spooky enough, of course Friday the 13th would land in October.

So to keep on with the spirit, here are some scary good tips for those participating in Squatober this year!

Squatting 101

Tip #1: Start with your feet hip-width apart.

There are other variations of a squat with wider or narrower stances, but if you’re looking to do a standard squat and you’re not sure how you should be positioning your feet, just start with them hip-width apart. If that feels too narrow, try shoulder-width apart.

Tip #2: Use a mirror.

Biofeedback is one of the greatest tools for assessing and reassessing how you’re doing. Squat in front of a mirror so you can get a visual of how your body moves under load, especially if you’re a beginner. Visual feedback will also improve your proprioception and eventually, you’ll feel comfortable squatting and doing other dynamic movements without the fear of improper technique.

Tip #3: Widen your grip.

When doing back squats, find a grip that is wide enough to accommodate your shoulders. Too narrow of a grip may result in some kind of impingement in your shoulders or general shoulder discomfort.

Tip #4: Squat full ROM.

Or within your available ROM (range of motion). Doing mini squats won’t do much for you, though you don’t necessarily have to squat so far that your butt touches the ground either.

Tip 5: Rest between sets.

The heavier the weights, the longer the rest you’ll need. Resting allows your muscles to recover so that you can perform with good technique and good power output with each rep and set.

Me in a nutshell.

Want more tips? Check out my instagram for tips on lifting, supplements, nutrition, swimming, and more.

Want to practice these tips? Get on a generalized strength program to get started.

As always, please give me feedback by replying to this email. What did you enjoy reading? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? I love sharing the wealth of knowledge and I want to make sure you find it valuable.

Have a SPOOOOOKY weekend.

Until next time,


PS - Need customized strength coaching or stroke analysis from someone who’s recovered from 10+ injuries and surgeries, and helped many others recover from the same? Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me on Skillest.

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