Only 59 days until 2024...

What New Year's resolutions are you still working on?

Hellooooo November.

We are closing in on the end of the year, preparing ourselves for one holiday after another. If you made New Year’s resolutions, have you met your goals yet? If not, you still have 59 days left to hit your goals. You’ve got this. I believe in you.

To help you hit your swimming goals, here are 3 tips you can apply to freestyle to immediately improve your technique:

Tip #1: Streamline past the flags.

This is an easy way to maximize your turns and breakouts without any added effort. If anything, it reduces your effort and greatly improves your efficiency simply by maintaining your streamline past the flags.

Tip #2: Keep your eyes down.

Wherever your head goes, your hips do the opposite. What does that mean? It means if you’re looking up, your hips will dip down.

Why does this matter? It increases the surface area for which water can hit you, which will increase resistance.

Tip #3: Reach as far out as you can.

Improving your DPS, aka distance per stroke, helps you cut down on the number of strokes you have to take per lap. The farther you can go per stroke, the less strokes you’ll need to take. The less strokes you take, the less energy you’ll expend. The less energy you expend + increased DPS = much more efficient swimmer.

Stop working so hard all the time. Instead, work smarter.

Try these tips out and let me know which one is your favorite!

What I Use

I don’t know about you but my skin runs on the drier end, and chlorine has made me extremely itchy my entire life (it used to be so bad my legs looked scaly 🫣).

And my hair? I don’t even want to go there. I love having long hair, but chlorine dried that out too. My hair ended up looking more like straw than hair. Sad face.

Luckily, I found hair and skin products that help with that.

I’ve used TRISWIM shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and lotion since I was an age group swimmer and these are the only products that completely remove chlorine from your hair and skin.

Honestly, It’s still a staple in my house to this day 😉 

Want to get rid of that chlorine smell from your hair and skin too? Get 20% off with code SwimmersDoc20

As always, leave feedback by replying to this email. What did you enjoy reading? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? I love sharing the wealth of knowledge and I want to make sure you find it valuable.

Have a FANTASTIC weekend.

Until next time,


PS - Need customized strength coaching or stroke analysis from someone who’s personally recovered from 10+ injuries and surgeries, and helped many others recover from the same? Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me on Skillest.

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