5 Ways To Become A Better YOU in 2024

Which is more important - technique or anatomy?

Happy Friday and T-3 Days Until 2024! 🎇 

So wild that 2023 is coming to an end and 2024 is just around the corner.

If you’re like me, I know what my New Year’s Resolutions are already. My list is nothing fancy, but I build off on the same premises year after year and they’re typically health-oriented because a healthy mind and body leads to a healthy lifestyle and success.

How you are in one area of your life translates over to how you are in all aspects of your life.

And because you cannot control external factors, i.e. banking on your boss to give you that raise, rude and disrespectful people, etc, you really should just focus on what you CAN control.

And that’s your health.

5 Ways To Become A Better You In 2024

#1 Prioritize Hydrating With Electrolytes

I know it’s tempting to have coffee the first thing in the morning. But in 2024, I challenge you to drink at least 16oz of water with electrolytes right when you wake up. Besides after a strenuous workout, waking up in the morning is when you are most dehydrated. Coffee will only make that worse because it’s a diuretic.

For reference, I drink 32oz of water and electrolytes before I touch my coffee.

#2 Get Your Movement In

How ever you like you move, do it. Whether you enjoy swimming, walking, running, lifting, cycling, dancing… do it. Just because you don’t break a sweat, or you don’t get sore, or you’re not dog-tired doesn’t mean you didn't get a work out in.

Too often we have the mentality of it wasn’t hard, so it doesn’t count. And if it doesn’t count, then why bother.

I’m telling you now - it DOES count. In a society where we have become so sedentary, any movement counts and will help both your mental and physical health tremendously.

#3 Add More Protein

If you’re like most people, you’re likely not getting enough protein in. Protein is the foundation for muscle building. So if you feel like you’re doing everything right - working out 5-6 days a week and lifting heavy but still not building muscle, it’s likely because you’re lacking the building blocks, amino acids, which comes from protein sources.

A general rule of thumb is to aim for 1g per lb body weight to start with.

#4 Get Your Zzz

While I recommend 7-9 hours of sleep per night (±1 hour depending on your needs), if getting quantity isn’t possible then aim for quality.

Quality of your sleep is just as important as quantity. If you’re only able to eek out 5 hours of sleep, try to minimize any blue light prior to bed, keep the room temperature to approximately 68 degrees, use black out curtains, kick the kids out of your bed (just kidding… but not really), etc. High quality sleep is the next best thing to quantity of sleep.

#5 Let Go Of Negative and Toxic People

This may be the most challenging one yet, but the most rewarding if you can just let them go. You are your own harshest critic. You don’t need more people touting your flaws and proactively (or passive aggressively) degrading you.

Surround yourself with those you strive to be like, those who cheer you own, and those who want the best for you in health, relationships, career goals, and in life.

You become who you surround yourself with. If you knowingly (or unknowingly) surround yourself with negative or complacent people, you might just find yourself in the same place you are now… but this time next year.

Not every relationship is worth having especially if that relationship negatively impacts the relationship you have with yourself.

Technique Versus Anatomy

Have you ever wondered which matters more - good technique versus good anatomy?

We often preach about good technique and good mechanics because those lead to better efficiency and injury prevention.

But what about anatomy? Check out my blog to find out ⬇️ 

đź’ĄYear End Saleđź’Ą 

Final days to take advantage of this sale! You really don’t want to miss out on this especially with the New Year around the corner.

Get 20% Off 1-on-1 personal training programs and online swim coaching with code MERRY20

As always, leave feedback by replying to this email. I love sharing the wealth of knowledge and I’m glad I get to share it with you!

Have a FANTASTIC FINAL weekend of 2023.

Until next time,


PS - Need customized strength coaching or swim coaching from someone who’s personally recovered from 10+ injuries and surgeries, and helped many others recover from the same? Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

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